Artist Statement
Fecund: “producing or capable of producing an abundance of… new growth…”
My works are a negotiation between who I was, who I am, and who I will be. I create metaphors stemming from my personal experiences. The images include human forms with flower-heads, whose alter egos are surrounded by multitudes of plants and bugs. Although I use bright colors for my prints, I contrast the bright pallets with imagery based on traumatic experiences.
Creating is how I work through life events. The impression, ¿Salida? speaks of isolation and longing for a genuine connection with those around me. The red palette emphasizes the pastel masked person, doorway, and the signing for more in the background. Screen Printing vibrant nude forms on transparent yupo allows for an extra layer of transparency and vulnerability when speaking on life events as I discover new things about myself.. I find inspiration and influence in the works of Kathryn Polk and Tonja Torgerson. Polk’s work focuses on the everyday life events of female family members. She uses repetitive symbols and characters in her lithography prints but leaves these up to the viewers to decide on the meaning. Torgerson’s work focuses on the delicacy of life and death with consistent visuals of the body and nature. The use of these symbols is meant to comment on the vulnerability of one’s identity and the uncomfortable reality of the transition from life to death. Likewise, I create works of art with repetitive symbols while incorporating floriography and ASL. Floriography is the language of flowers while ASL is a form of manual communication. Through analog screen printing, I communicate what I struggle to express in my own life.